Free Vedic Astrology - Lesson

Vedic Astrology - Lesson 10

"Oriente Lux Occidente Lex " ( Out of the East Light, out of the West Laws ) - thus proclaimed the Latin scholars. The Orient became synonymous with Light and Wisdom. The Occident with laws & conquest of the outer world. The West still dominates the fields of Science, Technology & Economics. The East was far more bothered about conquering the inner world: for the greatest conquest is the conquest of the Mind ! " The noblest conquest is the conquest of oneself " said Buddha. This inner conquest means to sublimate our ego, conquer our negative aspect and then redeem the world ! This is far more difficult than conquering the outer world !

The role of Mars in Horoscopy

Mars is the Defense Minister in the Government of the Almighty. On the practical plane this fiery planet is the significator of administrative ability. If the fire of Mars is not present in the natal chart, the native will be a dreamer, lacking in the practical brilliance needed for success.

The term martial is derived from Mars. Police,defence, martial arts - all these come under his domain. Fiery temparament and skill in war are the prerogatives of Mars. If he be exalted in one's horoscope, the native will become a cruel ruler ( as in Emperor Nero's horoscope).

Martian Effects in the 12 Houses

Mars in the Ascendant

Mars in the Ascendant makes anger-prone and fiery. May have suffered some wounds in the body. Wont have much longevity. Will be suffering from one ailment or the other. Will be fickle- minded. Will be adventurous and cruel.

Mars in the Second House

Will have less wealth. Less education also. Will be serving people who are evil. Will be argumentative. This position of Mars is not good from the perspective of wealth and learning. All malefic planets in the second are adverse for wealth.

Mars in the Third House

Will be very adamantine. Will be very adventurous and will be the enjoyer of wealth , fame & all sorts of comforts. Will be versatile. Will have good longevity.Will have a tendency to go against Ethics & Morality.

Mars in the Fourth House

Will be devoid of relatives, houses, landed properties, maternal happiness & conveyances. Will be subject to the influence of women. Will be mentally tortured all the time.

Mars in the Fifth House

Will be devoid of sons, comforts & wealth.Will face a lot of calamities and will be slightly famous. Will be fickle-minded. Will go against Ethics & Morality. Will be adventurous & anger-prone.

Mars in the Sixth House

Will have a sound physique and good health. Will be the vanquisher of enemies in the battle field. Wont have much fear in the mind. Will have tremendous lust, fame & regal status.

Mars in the Seventh House

Will be indulging in unethical acts. Will be devoid of marital happiness. Will be quarrelsome. Will be afflicted by many a disease. Life partner will also be afflicted. Will be cruel-hearted.

Mars in the Eighth House

Will be afflicted in the body & mind. Will be devoid of wealth. Will have less longevity. Will have less Dharma & Ethics in the mind.

Mars in the Ninth House

Will go against father& will be violent. Will harass people. Will be a lover of the Occult . Will have occult power.

Mars in the Tenth House

Will have regal status. Will be very adventurous and enthusiastic. Will be revered by the good. Will have good sons, fame & wealth.

Mars in the Eleventh House

Will have sons, wealth, comforts, prosperity, virility & determination. Will have a lot of subordinates. Will be truly versatile. Will have the gift of the gab or the divine gift of articulate speech.

Mars in the Twelfth House

Will have affliction to the eyes. Will be lazy. Will suffer economic loss. May have to undergo incarceration.Will be sorrowful & health will be adversely affected. Will be miserly.

Correspondence between Astrology & Gem Therapy

Howard Beckman ( writes that "Natural, untreated gemstones which are repositories of cosmic colors can restore Pranic Energy to the cells of the body so that their natural vibratory rate may be regained and normal health may be regained when the body is in a diseased condition. Blue Sapphire can tranquilize or have a sedative effect; emerald can be used as an analgesic; yellow sapphire has anti- septic properties; and diamond may be used as a stimulant - these are just a few examples of how gems can effetc the healing process in the body " ( Howard Beckman - Vibrational Healing with Gems )

Astrology , Holistic Medicine & Ayurveda

Social life in the West increasingly stressful with the advent of rapid industrialization, urbanization & the breakdown of family life after the Second World War. The social disturbance caused by the Vietnam war, the propagation of materialistic ideals & the erosion of faith in Morality & Ethics brought a sense of futility & meaninglessness in the Western psyche. The disillusionment with the promises of Science & technology, the limitations of the Western system of chemotherapy & the adverse side-effects of antibiotics, sedatives and certain other drugs made the West turn to Oriental philosophies, divine practices & systems of therapy.

Holistic Health refers to a modern movement which regards health as a dynamic state of the total human being. Although the symptoms of a disease may be found in certain tissues or organs, health is not a mere removal of such symptoms by the treatment of the affected tissues or organs, but a state of multidimensional experience, according to this perspective. The mind, body & environment are in a state of dynamic interaction & the maintenance of this interaction in a maximal state of efficiency is what health means. In other words "To be healthy is to have the ability, despite an occasional bout of illness, to live with full use of our faculties and be vigorous, alert and happy to be alive, even in old age." This concept of operational health has been termed as wellness. It is a sense of all-round well-being.

Sir William Osler's advice that Whole is more important than the Part ( that the patient who has the disease is more important than the disease of the patient ) is reminiscent of Plato - " No treatment of the parts should be attempted without treatment of the entirety". ( Plato;' The State' ,380 Ante Domino ) The horoscope represents the Whole and the 12 houses are the 12 limbs of the body.

A good site where you can get quality information about Holistic Medicine is

Ayurveda, Tai Chi,Yoga Therapy, Pranic Healing, Reflexology, Reiki, Acupuncture are all included amongst the 70 systems of Alternative Medicine which are prevalent today.

The Ayurvedic Model

In the Ayurvedic Model, the planets are classified thus

Jupiter Kapha Sun Pitta Moon Vata & Kapha Mars Pitta Mercury Pitta, Vata & Kapha Venus Vata & Kapha Saturn Vata

Based on the great Sankhya school of Indian philosophy, Ayurveda conceives life as the interplay of three life principles called humours ( which correspond to the three Gunas of Sankhya - Sattwa, Rajas and Thamas ). These are Vata ( wind), Pitta( bile) & Kapha ( phlegm). Equilibrium of the three humours is considered as health and any disturbance in that equilibrium is regarded as disease. One of the three humours will be predominant in the body. Hence human bodies have been classified under three types: Vata type, Pitta type & Kapha type.The body constitution is taken into account while prescribing diet and medicine.

Astrology , Yoga & Pranic Healing

Yoga is the science of holistic health. According to Yoga therapy, disease was defined as an imbalance in any of the three lower sheaths of existence - physical, vital & mental. The other sheaths are the higher sheaths - intellectual & bliss sheaths. To attain higher states of Consciousness, we should keep our lower & higher sheaths in proper balance and use our higher sheaths.

Removing mental blocks is a major step in Pranic Therapy.

Removing Mental Blocks

Due to the presence of obstructions within, the Cosmic Energy called Prana does not flow freely within the individual & the Universal life. This is the main reason holistic health practices often fail or succeed only partially. These obstructions are caused by Samskaras, residual traces of our past actions and experiences. Samskaras are of two kinds, those which only produce memories ( smriti ) of past experiences and those which produce impulses or drives to repeat these experiences called vasanas Complex patterns of love, hate, fear and other emotions are generated by these psychic memories.. These complexes do obstruct the free flow of Life energy in us.

These complexes, formed in childhood & adolescence are repressed into the unconscious regions of the mind & these repressed samskaras lodged in the hidden recesses of the unconscious go on creating psychological & psychosomatic problems.

Without a Guru, it is difficult to confront & ferret out these repressed complexities. It is not easy to encounter the past experiences and deactivate them.The true mystic who depends only on Divine Power may find that these inner blocks are removed by Divine Grace.

Astro-Therapy helps in removing mental blocks. By taking recourse to remedial measures, faith and Grace Divine allows the horoscopian to overcome the mental blocks & negative planetary influences.

Astrology & Occult Vibratory Chemistry ( Tantra )

Occult Vibratory Chemistry existed in India by the name of Tantra. Tantras developed a different but parallel model of human personality Whereas Vedanta & Yoga speak of Five Sheaths or Koshas, the Tantras speak of six chakras.

In the Tantric Model, life is regarded as the unfolding of the Self at six different levels of consciousness known as Chakras. In ordinary people the unfolding takes place only at the first three chakras which represent procreation, metabolism & speech; the higher three chakras remain latent . The awakening of the higher chakras results in the unfolding and fulfillment of spiritual life. The Heart Chakra ( Anahata ), the Throat Chakra ( Vishuddhi ) & the Eye Brow Chakra ( Ajna ) are the higher chakras, which when awakened, can lead man to Cosmic Consciousness.

Sir John Woodroffe was a researcher in Tantra and he had written many scholarly books on the subject. His magnum opus is the "Serpent Power", which is a scientific treatise about the Kundalini, the feminine serpentine energy present in humans.

Yantras are diagramatic patterns about Manifestation. The Central Dot or the Bindu represents the Absoulte Self and the geometrical figures are Its different levels of manifestation.

The main remedies used in Astro-Therapy are Tantric. Hence Tantra continues to be a close affiliate of Astrology.

More quality information about Tantra & Yantras can be had from

Article by G Kumar, Astrologer, writer & programmer of He has 25 years psychic research experience in the esoteric arts. His Free Ebook, Yoga can be downloaded at To subscribe to his free Ezine, the Z Files His Astro blog is up at & his marketing blog is at Mobile 091 9388556053

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